Magento 2 Customer Group Pricing

Setting up customer group pricing in Magento 2 is an effective strategy for offering personalized pricing to different segments of your customer base. This feature can be utilized to provide discounts to VIP customers, wholesale pricing for B2B clients, or special rates for specific customer groups. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to configure customer group pricing in Magento 2.

Step 1: Create or Identify Customer Groups

Before you can assign specific pricing to different customer groups, you must first ensure that the customer groups you want to offer special pricing to exist in Magento.

  1. Navigate to Customer Groups: In the Magento 2 admin panel, go to Customers > Customer Groups.
  2. Add New Customer Group (if necessary): Click the Add New Customer Group button. Enter a Group Name for your new customer group, select a Tax Class, and then click Save Customer Group.

Step 2: Set Up Group Pricing for Magento 2 Products

After creating the necessary customer groups, you can proceed to set up special pricing for these groups.

  1. Navigate to the Product: Go to Catalog > Products and select the product you want to set special pricing for.
  2. Access the Advanced Pricing: In the product edit page, scroll down to the Price section and click on Advanced Pricing.
  3. Add Group Price: In the Advanced Pricing settings, you’ll see an option for Customer Group Price. Click Add to create a new group price.
    • Select Customer Group: Choose the customer group you wish to set special pricing for from the dropdown menu.
    • Website: Select the website this pricing will apply to if you are running multiple websites from the same Magento installation.
    • Quantity: Set the minimum quantity that needs to be purchased to avail this price (usually set to 1).
    • Price: Enter the special price for this customer group. You can choose Fixed or Discount, depending on whether you want to set a specific price or a discount percentage.
  4. Save the Product: After configuring the customer group prices, click Save to apply the changes to the product.

Step 3: Verify Customer Group Pricing

To ensure that your customer group pricing is set up correctly:

  1. Test with a Customer Account: Create a test account and assign it to one of the customer groups with special pricing. Log in using this account and navigate to the product with the special pricing to verify that it is displayed correctly.
  2. Check in Different Scenarios: If you have set special pricing for multiple groups, repeat the testing process for accounts in different customer groups to ensure that all configurations are correct.

Important Considerations

  • Customer Group Pricing vs. Tier Pricing: Magento also offers tier pricing, which allows setting different prices based on the quantity purchased. Ensure you’re using the right type of pricing for your needs.
  • Visibility: Remember that customer group pricing will only be visible to logged-in users who are part of the specified group.
  • Promotions: Consider how group pricing interacts with other promotions or discounts you may have set up. Magento applies the most beneficial discount to the customer, but it’s good practice to understand how these rules work together.


Customer group pricing in Magento 2 is a powerful feature that allows you to offer personalized pricing strategies to different segments of your customer base. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up and manage these special prices effectively, enhancing your relationship with various customer groups and potentially increasing sales. Always test your configurations thoroughly to ensure that your customers see the correct prices based on their group affiliation.

By admin

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