Pancreatic canceris a highly invasive malignant tumour having a high propensity to spread and is resistant to chemotherapy. Due to the difficulty of detecting pancreatic cancer early, patients have a low survival rate. Environmental risk factors are responsible for roughly 90% of such cases. A bad diet is responsible for almost half of all pancreatic cancer cases, which can be avoided. Numerous researches have examined the association between various dietary factors and pancreatic cancer because of its high attribution to nutrition.
Pancreatic cancer is characterised by its slow onset, invasive nature, and poor prognosis. Although radical resection is currently the most common treatment option, most patients miss the window of opportunity due to the lack of identifiable clinical manifestations. Despite significant advancements in radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy in recent years, the intended outcomes have not been attained yet. Therefore, the first and most crucial step in reducing its incidence is to avoid high-risk factors.
A recent study suggests that when paired with a triple-drug therapy created by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), a ketogenic diet – which is low in carbohydrates and protein but high in fat – helps kill pancreatic cancer cells.
For more information on pancreatic cancer and its treatment, one can search for the ‘best cancer doctors in India’ on Google.
Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet reduces glucose (sugar) levels in the tumour in lab trials, implying that the diet helped starve cancer. Furthermore, this diet increased the number of ketone bodies produced by the liver, putting additional stress on cancer cells.
The ketogenic diet does not have an exact definition. As a result, numerous studies have defined it as any diet that causes a rise in blood ketones, such as a diet that contains more than 50% fat in total calories. The ketogenic diet is widely considered to have a high fat, moderate protein, and extremely low carbohydrate composition. 4 parts fat, 1 part carbohydrate, and 1 part protein make up the classic ketogenic diet.
Furthermore, the ketogenic diet was proven to improve antitumor immunity by promoting pro-inflammatory tumour gene expression, which weakened the malignancy further.
Anyone looking for more information on the ketogenic diet can search for the ‘best oncologist in India’ on any search engine.
Research roadmap
The researchers wanted to see if adding a ketogenic diet to triple-drug therapy would improve overall survival in pancreatic cancer patients. Patients were enrolled in this research trial in late 2020, which will continue until June 2023.
The triple-drug regimen was given to half of the patients on a conventional diet, while the other half were given a ketogenic diet with triple-drug therapy. The study’s nutritional features are being closely monitored by the expert doctors.
Patients can download SeekMed mobile application for a second opinion on everything related to pancreatic cancer. One can also look for an ‘oncologist near me’ on Google to book an appointment with an expert Oncologist.
Author Bio: Hi, I’m Pooja and I’m a passionate Blogger, Freelancer, Writer, and Digital Marketer. and I love tech stuff and games. Gembells, Hotmaillog, Indianlatestnews.